Ever wondered what makes you stand out?
What makes you unique?
What makes you unique?
What makes people attracted to you?
Or what draws people to you daily, even when you are just yourself?
Above all, have you ever wondered what defines you?
Some people will say it's their face, their height, fashion sense, physique, or even their shape.
Well, I am not referring to any of that. I am not saying that any of the above can't make you stand out, makes you unique, or even attract people to you. What I am referring to here is that which you have in yourself. That is the true definition of your inner self.
This article, The Meaning Of YOU, is an article that helps you identify your uniqueness, enables you to understand yourself better, and above all, helps define yourself.
To understand yourself very well, you must reflect on your personality and determine how to describe yourself to the world or those around you.
This is when one takes time to observe oneself and understand what makes him/her better and unique. It is the mental process that one takes to understand who they are. And to understand who you are, you need to identify what your morals are, recognize what your values are, and what you are passionate about.
Differentiating what is good and bad to you and identifying what behavior is right and wrong. Once you have been able to do this, you have ultimately identified your morals.
Your morals are those behaviors that help you to know when to say yes and no to people, things, events, and certain conversations. Your morals help you to sieve the kind of people you want around you all the time. Identifying your morals helps you to better understand yourself.
Knowing your worth is one of the most essential things a person must do to know how valuable they are in the aspect of life, be it in work, relationship, or life. Values are often at the peak of how we work and how we govern our lives and relationships. When we don't know our worth, we often settle for lesser things and act according to how the environment wants us to. I consider values and morals to be the same thing because they are inseparable and mean the same thing to me. I believe that once you can identify your morals, you know your value because then you can know the pros and cons of things around you, and you also know what your priority is.
Knowing your values help to boost your self-esteem and also gives the feeling of self-confidence in your daily life. It helps us make sure of every decision we make regarding our life and the things we do daily.
After identifying your morals, knowing and identifying your worth, then knowing your values help you understand your personality and gives insight into your "yes and no ."It also allows you to see those things that give you joy when doing them and give you a sleepless night when you don’t do them at all. The thing that later on becomes your identity and your reason for every action you take.
Identifying what your passion is all about is living the life that you choose for yourself (regardless of how wrong it may look or seem to those around us) and not living the life that is acceptable to others. How can I identify what I am most passionate about, you make ask?
To identify your passion, you need to figure out those things that you find fulfilling, those that are meaningful to you, and identify those things that you spend hours doing. And I'd say, when you have identified all this, you have figured out what you are most passionate about because they will become the drive and motivation for every decision and action that you take. Being passionate about something is loving it even when you hate it.
We often hear people say, "This is the kind of person I am; this is how I do my thing, I love things like this, and I hate things like that ."Those set of people can understand themselves and their personalities and are now able to define the kind of person they are to the world.
This group of people was able to figure out how to explain/define themselves to the rest of the world by making a list of their character traits, analyzing their behaviors and attitudes, and selecting three qualities to summarize who they are.
So for you to be able to define yourself boldly to the world and those around you, you need to start by making a list of those character traits you have noticed to be exhibiting all the time, after which, you analyze your behavior and attitude, especially those that you exhibit around people, and in situations that are not so convenient for you or in an uncomfortable situation. Once you can do the above, the qualities that best define you are seen more clearly, making it easy for you to express your personality to the world.
YOU, according to the dictionary, is the representation of a lot of phrases. Still, for me, the best would be YOUR OWN UNIQUENESS. It speaks much and explains how unique and special you are to everyone around you and how your personalities make you stand out.
“Your own uniqueness” and not any other possible phrase ‘you’ could stand for because you and you alone understand the kind of person you are, know what is right and wrong for you, you understand your personality, and know that which makes YOU.
So, do what makes you happy, defines you and what is special to you, and not what people want you to do. Choose the person you become because only you can truly define and understand yourself.